Popular routes in Australia
Daily Departures | Average price | Average trip duration | ||
From Canberra to Sydney | Daily Departures3 | Average price$35 | Average trip duration3h 10m |
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With Busbud, you can travel by bus and train in more than 80 countries in the world! Enjoy your trip with a seamless and hassle-free experience while respecting the environment by using sustainable modes of transportations.
Top traveled routes in the world
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Compare bus, train and carpool travel
Are you thinking about the best way to get to your destination? Compare prices, travel times and environmental impact of your bus, train, ferry and carpool trip to find the perfect solution for your next trip. Destinations popular with our travelers:
What are the most popular bus routes?
- Bus from Canberra to Sydney
- Bus from Sydney to Canberra
- Bus from Brisbane to Gold Coast
- Bus from Gold Coast to Brisbane
- Bus from Brisbane to Noosa
- Bus from Sydney to Melbourne
- Bus from Toowoomba to Brisbane Airport
- Bus from Cairns to Townsville
- Bus from Townsville to Cairns
- Bus from Melbourne to Geelong
- Bus from Mackay to Airlie Beach
- Bus from Airlie Beach to Mackay
- Bus from Sydney to Byron Bay
- Bus from Brisbane to Maroochydore
- Bus from Katherine to Darwin
Most popular airports and destinations
Where would you like to take the bus next?
Top train routes
- Train from Richmond to Richmond
- Train from Washington to Leavenworth
- Train from Waterloo to Buffalo
- Train from Washington to Everett
- Train from Charleston to Washington
- Train from Seattle to Washington
- Train from Charleston to Washington
- Train from Fayetteville to Cumberland
- Train from Newark to Essex
- Train from Milwaukee to Marquette
- Train from Oxnard to Ventura
- Train from Bellingham to Washington
- Train from Ventura to Simi Valley
- Train from Aberdeen to Richmond
- Train from Salem to Washington