Contact Africa Passenger Motors
Busbud helps you easily search and browse through different Africa Passenger Motors fares to find the cheapest Africa Passenger Motors bus tickets.
Conveniently search for Africa Passenger Motors bus schedules and Africa Passenger Motors prices to choose an option that best suits your needs.
Find out which amenities will be accessible on a Africa Passenger Motors bus for each individual departure when you book your Africa Passenger Motors tickets, such as WiFi, A/C, power outlets and more.
With our coverage of all available Africa Passenger Motors bus lines, we make sure you are able to get to where you need to be.
Take advantage of available Africa Passenger Motors bus coupons in order to get discounted Africa Passenger Motors fares.
On Busbud, you'll be able to find useful information such as Africa Passenger Motors contact details in case you need to get in touch with them.
Partnering up with Africa Passenger Motors allows Busbud to ensure high quality Africa Passenger Motors bus services to travelers from all corners of the world.
Africa Passenger Motors User Reviews
Customers have mixed feelings about the service provided by APM. While some appreciated the safe and well-maintained trips, others expressed concerns about issues such as late departures, uncomfortable seats, loud music during the journey, unprofessionalism among drivers, unsanitary toilets on buses, and delays in arrival times. Additionally, there were complaints about inadequate customer communication during unexpected stops.
I was actually quiet impressed . When I got there the bus was aleady waiting . It left on time and arrived 2 hours before the expected time as per the information on the ticket. I think this is the beginning of a good relationship.
Pumla N.
1. The Bus was not marked thus hard to identify. 2. There were no people on the ground to help passengers identity the buss. 3. Although the bus was more or less neat and comfortable. It was heavily infested with cockroaches 4. It was on time. And we arrived on time. The seats were clean and comfortable enough.
Mthembeki N.
The bus didn't show up I was scammed R1700.. And at that time they don't have offices
Clementina D.
I am very disappointed with APM buses. Departure time was 22h00 and i arrived at 21h30 the bus had already left. I had to make other arrangements at extra costs to reach my destination. I will never advise anyone to use APM buses
Muntu M.
Everything was poor the service was poor I didn't get to my direction 😕 😢
Aya C.
The bus didn't come since I waited until 9
Thulisile K.
Why choose Busbud?
The Best Way To Book Bus and Train Tickets
Busbud is a bus and train search tool - we include Africa Passenger Motors routes, schedules and prices in our searches along with many other train and bus companies. You can compare prices, amenities and times by searching for a route. If you find a suitable trip, you can go ahead and get your Africa Passenger Motors ticket from us. Note that train tickets sell out, Africa Passenger Motors and other operators generally charge a lot more for last-minute tickets or for tickets bought in person.
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