Brasileiro popular routes and schedules
Book cheap Brasileiro coach tickets online, find timetables, prices, coach station locations, services, promotions and deals.
Popular routes | First and last departures | Average duration | Minimum price | |
Porto Seguro → Camacan | First and last departures06:00 — 14:30 | Average duration4h | Minimum priceUS$15 | |
Porto Seguro → Belo Horizonte | First and last departures05:30 — 05:30 | Average duration1d | Minimum priceUS$81 | |
Porto Seguro → Teixeira de Freitas | First and last departures05:30 — 19:00 | Average duration4h 49m | Minimum priceUS$16 | |
Porto Seguro → Eunápolis | First and last departures05:30 — 19:00 | Average duration1h 10m | Minimum priceUS$4 | |
Itamaraju → Corumbau | First and last departures13:00 — 13:00 | Average duration2h 30m | Minimum priceUS$7 |
Contact Brasileiro
Brasileiro’s Coverage in Numbers
- Daily Departures74
- Cities30
- Countries1
- Routes180
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With our partnership with Brasileiro, Busbud is able to offer reliable Brasileiro bus services to help you travel comfortably and securely.
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The Best Way To Book Bus and Train Tickets
Busbud is a bus and train search tool – we include Brasileiro routes, schedules and prices in our searches along with many other train and bus companies. You can compare prices, amenities and times by searching for a route. If you find a suitable trip, you can go ahead and get your Brasileiro ticket from us. Note that train tickets sell out, Brasileiro and other operators generally charge a lot more for last-minute tickets or for tickets bought in person.
Popular Routes, Destinations and Stations
Top Bus Lines
Curious about the busiest routes of Brasileiro? Here's where most of our passengers are heading!
- Porto Seguro to Teixeira de FreitasUS$22
- Teixeira de Freitas to Porto SeguroUS$22
- Nova Viçosa to Porto SeguroUS$29
- Vitória da Conquista to ItamarajuUS$27
- Nova Viçosa to EunápolisUS$25
Top Destinations
From big cities to hidden gems, these are the places Brasileiro can take you on your next adventure!
- Buses to Teixeira de Freitas
- Buses to Porto Seguro
- Buses to Eunápolis
- Buses to Itamaraju
- Buses to Itabuna
- Buses to Vitória da Conquista
- Buses to Ilhéus
- Buses to Prado
- Buses to Nanuque
- Buses to Alcobaça
- Buses to Nova Viçosa
- Buses to Itapetinga
- Buses to Mucuri
- Buses to Camacan
- Buses to Itabela
- Buses to Canavieiras
- Buses to Itagimirim
- Buses to Corumbau
- Buses to Itabatã
- Buses to Itambé
Top Stations and Locations
Need to know where to catch Brasileiro? We've got a list of our main stops to help plan your journey.
- Rodoviária de Itabuna
- Terminal Rodoviário de Ilhéus
- Rodoviária de Porto Seguro
- Rodoviária de Itabuna
- Terminal Rodoviário de Vitória da Conquista
- Eunápolis Onibus
- Itamaraju
- Rodoviária de Teixeira de Freitas
- Nanuque Onibus
- Rodoviaria de Mucuri
- Camacan Onibus
- Rodoviaria de Itabatã
- Terminal Rodoviário de Itabela
- Caravelas Onibus
- Itarantim Onibus
- Itapetinga Onibus
Other local bus companies
- All Partners
- Brasileiro