El Tatu Carretero popular routes and schedules
Book cheap El Tatu Carretero coach tickets online, find timetables, prices, coach station locations, services, promotions and deals.
Popular routes | First and last departures | Average duration | Minimum price | |
Córdoba → Jesús María | First and last departures12:15 — 12:15 | Average duration1h 10m | Minimum priceUS$6 | |
Jesús María → Córdoba | First and last departures08:30 — 08:30 | Average duration1h 10m | Minimum priceUS$6 | |
Córdoba → Colonia Caroya | First and last departures12:15 — 12:15 | Average duration1h | Minimum priceUS$6 | |
Córdoba → Villa del Totoral | First and last departures12:15 — 12:15 | Average duration1h 50m | Minimum priceUS$9 | |
Villa del Totoral → Córdoba | First and last departures07:50 — 07:50 | Average duration1h 50m | Minimum priceUS$10 |
Contact El Tatu Carretero
Amenities on El Tatu Carretero buses
- Air conditioning
- Toilet
- Standard seat
- XL Seat
- Lie-flat Seat or Bed
- Wifi
- Entertainment (No Wifi)
- Snack
- Drink
- Hot Meal
El Tatu Carretero’s Coverage in Numbers
- Daily Departures3
- Cities12
- Countries1
- Routes25
El Tatu Carretero Bus classes
- 5 Estrellas
- Cama
- Cama Ejec Indiv LCD/Cena/Desayuno
- Cama Ejec. LCD/Cena/Desayuno
- Cama Ejecutivo
- Cama Ejecutivo con Cena Fria
- Cama con Servicio
- Cama sin Auxiliar
- Convencional
- Ejuctivo sin Auxiliar
- Leito
- Promo Cama
- Promo Semi Cama con Servicio
- Promo Suite
- Semi Cama
- Semi Cama
- Semi Cama Cena/Desayuno
- Semi Cama Expreso
- Semi Cama Promo Cena/Desayuno
- Semi Cama Promocionada
- Semi Cama Superior
- Semi Cama con Cena Fria
- Semi Cama con Servicio
- Semica Directo
- Semicama
- Servicio Cama Ejecutivo
- Servicio Suite
- Suite
- Suite VIP
Find and book the cheapest El Tatu Carretero bus tickets online with Busbud. Thanks to our large inventory and using our sorting and filtering features, you'll be able to find the best El Tatu Carretero fares easily.
We let you sort through El Tatu Carretero schedules and El Tatu Carretero bus ticket prices to find a deal suited to your individual needs.
Busbud shows you which amenities are included with your El Tatu Carretero bus for each individual departure.
We give you access to all available El Tatu Carretero bus routes to faciliate your El Tatu Carretero bus bookings.
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Need to contact El Tatu Carretero customer service? Busbud provides you with El Tatu Carretero phone number so you can easily reach out to them.
Partnering up with El Tatu Carretero allows Busbud to ensure high-quality El Tatu Carretero bus services to travellers from all corners of the world.
El Tatu Carretero FAQ
Yes, you will be able to enjoy a WiFi connection on El Tatu Carretero buses! Chat with friends and family, check your social media and emails but keep in mind that streaming is limited so we recommend downloading your favourite films and programmes before your trip.
No, there aren't any power outlets or USB plugs on El Tatu Carretero. If available, we recommend bringing a battery pack to keep your devices charged during longer bus rides. You can also bring a good book to pass the time during your trip.
Yes, El Tatu Carretero has a toilet on board. The toilet is located at the back of the bus or near the middle. Remember to bring hand sanitiser with you, as most buses do not have running water.
Yes, you will be able to enjoy food and drinks when travelling with El Tatu Carretero. When selecting your El Tatu Carretero departure on Busbud, you will be able to see if you will get snacks or a full meal.
No, you don't need a printed ticket when travelling with El Tatu Carretero. Simply show your ticket on your phone along with a valid photo ID to board the bus. You will receive your e-ticket by email when booking on Busbud.
Only Certified Service animals are allowed on El Tatu Carretero buses. Unfortunately, it is impossible to travel with a pet on the bus or in the hold of the bus with El Tatu Carretero.
When taking the bus with El Tatu Carretero, you will be able to enjoy Air conditioning, Standard seat, , , Lie-flat Seat or Bed, Hot Meal, , , Toilet, , Wifi, XL Seat. El Tatu Carretero offers a best-in-class experience to all travellers so you're sure to have a pleasant bus trip.
Why choose Busbud?
The Best Way To Book Bus and Train Tickets
Busbud is a bus and train search tool – we include El Tatu Carretero routes, schedules and prices in our searches along with many other train and bus companies. You can compare prices, amenities and times by searching for a route. If you find a suitable trip, you can go ahead and get your El Tatu Carretero ticket from us. Note that train tickets sell out, El Tatu Carretero and other operators generally charge a lot more for last-minute tickets or for tickets bought in person.
Popular Routes, Destinations and Stations
Top Bus Lines
Curious about the busiest routes of El Tatu Carretero? Here's where most of our passengers are heading!
- Córdoba to Jesús MaríaUS$6
- Jesús María to CórdobaUS$6
- Córdoba to Colonia CaroyaUS$7
- Las Peñas to CórdobaUS$11
- Jesús María to GualeguayUS$5
- Córdoba to SimbolarUS$12
- Las Peñas to Jesús MaríaUS$6
- San Jose de la Dormida to Villa del TotoralUS$6
- Córdoba to Villa del TotoralUS$9
- Juárez Celman to CórdobaUS$3
- Córdoba to Juárez CelmanUS$3
- Jesús María to San Jose de la DormidaUS$8
- Villa del Totoral to CórdobaUS$10
- San Jose de la Dormida to CórdobaUS$13
- Córdoba to San Jose de la DormidaUS$14
Top Destinations
From big cities to hidden gems, these are the places El Tatu Carretero can take you on your next adventure!
- Buses to Córdoba
- Buses to Jesús María
- Buses to Villa del Totoral
- Buses to Colonia Caroya
- Buses to San Jose de la Dormida
- Buses to Sebastian Elcano
- Buses to Las Peñas
- Buses to Gualeguay
- Buses to Juárez Celman
- Buses to Simbolar
- Buses to Las Arrias
- Buses to General Paz
Top Stations and Locations
Need to know where to catch El Tatu Carretero? We've got a list of our main stops to help plan your journey.
- Terminal De Omnibus de Gral. Deheza
- Terminal Jesus Maria
- Parada de Autobus Villa del Totoral
- Colonia Caroya
- Terminal de San Jose de la Dormida
- Parada de Autobus Las Peñas
- All Partners
- El Tatu Carretero