Eme Bus popular routes and schedules
Book cheap Eme Bus bus tickets online, find schedules, prices, bus station locations, services, promotions, and deals.
Popular routes | First and last departures | Average duration | Minimum price | |
Concepción → Santiago | First and last departures12:05am — 11:59pm | Average duration5h 13m | Minimum priceUS$14 | |
Santiago → Concepción | First and last departures12:15am — 11:59pm | Average duration5h 13m | Minimum priceUS$15 | |
Chillan → Santiago | First and last departures12:15am — 11:45pm | Average duration4h 14m | Minimum priceUS$13 | |
Santiago → Chillan | First and last departures12:30am — 11:59pm | Average duration4h 14m | Minimum priceUS$14 | |
Santiago → Los Angeles | First and last departures12:30am — 11:59pm | Average duration5h 22m | Minimum priceUS$13 |
Contact Eme Bus
Amenities on Eme Bus buses
- Air conditioning
- Toilet
- Standard seat
- Lie-flat Seat or Bed
- Entertainment (No Wifi)
- Snack
Eme Bus’s Coverage in Numbers
- Daily Departures400
- Cities37
- Countries1
- Routes117
Eme Bus Bus classes
- Premium
- Pullman
- Salón Cama
- Semi Cama
- Standard
Find and book the cheapest Eme Bus bus tickets online with Busbud. Thanks to our large inventory and using our sorting and filtering features, you'll be able to find the best Eme Bus fares easily.
We let you sort through Eme Bus schedules and Eme Bus bus ticket prices to find a deal suited to your individual needs.
Busbud shows you which amenities are included with your Eme Bus bus for each individual departure.
All Eme Bus bus lines are available on Busbud. Can't seem to find the Eme Bus route you're looking for? Please get in touch, we have a dedicated team that is in charge of the quality of Eme Bus mapping on Busbud.
Get the best available deal by using a promo code to obtain Eme Bus discounts on tickets.
On Busbud, you'll be able to find useful information such as Eme Bus contact details in case you need to get in touch with them.
Busbud is proud to partner with Eme Bus and to offer Eme Bus services to travellers all over the world.
Eme Bus User Reviews
Eme Bus receives praise for its comfortable and clean buses, as well as the safe driving skills of their drivers. Passengers appreciate the friendly service provided by staff. However, some users note that frequent stops can extend travel time beyond what is initially expected when purchasing tickets.
So firstly unfortunately the bus was 2 and a half hours late arriving in Chillán. Departure was on time. Secondly somehow my bag wheel was broken in the journey which is incredibly annoying as now I will have to get another bag and I am not sure if there is any compensation available for this damage. I will say however the drivers were really good and even helped my with internet to contact my friend and let him know my arrival time was later.
Elizabeth C.
Good driver, left only a few mins late. Safe driver and smoooth ride
Lauren B.
Clean, comfortable, and efficient
Julia O.
El ticket decía que el bus llegaba a une hora y, en realidad, llegó dos horas y media más tarde.
Maria Magdalena D.
El tiempo de viaje es mucho mayor al indicado en la compra. Eso hace que toda la programación sea un desastre si uno viaja por trabajo. El Bus supuestamente era directo y se detuvo en muchas partes de Santiago a Chillan. Lo mismo de regreso a Santiago. Bus sucio.
Constanza F.
Absolutely superb - wonderful staff and was so impressed with the comfort on board. Excellent!
Rebecca T.
Eme Bus FAQ
No, there is no WiFi on Eme Bus. No worries, you can use your time on the bus to catch up on some much needed sleep! You can also download your favourite movies, TV shows, and audiobooks or bring a good book.
No, there aren't any power outlets or USB plugs on Eme Bus. If available, we recommend bringing a battery pack to keep your devices charged during longer bus rides. You can also bring a good book to pass the time during your trip.
Yes, Eme Bus has a toilet on board. The toilet is located at the back of the bus or near the middle. Remember to bring hand sanitizer with you, as most buses do not have running water.
Yes, you will be able to enjoy food and drinks when travelling with Eme Bus. When selecting your Eme Bus departure on Busbud, you will be able to see if you will get snacks or a full meal.
Yes, a printed ticket is mandatory to board the bus with Eme Bus. We recommend printing your ticket before heading to the station, as not all stations offer printing machines. Remember to also bring with you a valid photo ID to board the bus.
Only Certified Service animals are allowed on Eme Bus buses. Unfortunately, it is impossible to travel with a pet on the bus or in the hold of the bus with Eme Bus.
When taking the bus with Eme Bus, you will be able to enjoy Air conditioning, Standard seat, , Lie-flat Seat or Bed, , Toilet, . Eme Bus offers a best-in-class experience to all travellers so you're sure to have a pleasant bus trip.
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The Best Way To Book Bus and Train Tickets
Busbud is a bus and train search tool—we include Eme Bus routes, schedules and prices in our searches, along with many other train and bus companies. You can compare prices, amenities and times by searching for a route. If you find a suitable trip, you can go ahead and get your Eme Bus ticket from us. Note that train tickets sell out, Eme Bus and other operators generally charge a lot more for last-minute tickets or for tickets bought in person.
Popular Routes, Destinations and Stations
Top Bus Lines
Curious about the busiest routes of Eme Bus? Here's where most of our passengers are heading!
- Santiago to ConcepciónUS$22
- Concepción to SantiagoUS$23
- Santiago to ChillanUS$19
- Chillan to SantiagoUS$18
- Coronel to SantiagoUS$25
- Santiago to CoronelUS$22
- Santiago to Los AngelesUS$24
- Santiago to TalcahuanoUS$25
- Los Angeles to SantiagoUS$24
- Angol to SantiagoUS$24
- Santiago to AngolUS$25
- Santiago to CañeteUS$30
- Valparaiso to ChillanUS$22
- Concepción to ValparaisoUS$24
- Valparaiso to ConcepciónUS$21
- Santiago to LotaUS$22
- Chillan to Vina del MarUS$22
- Chillan to ValparaisoUS$22
- Concepción to Vina del MarUS$22
- Vina del Mar to ConcepciónUS$24
Top Destinations
From big cities to hidden gems, these are the places Eme Bus can take you on your next adventure!
- Buses to Santiago
- Buses to Concepción
- Buses to Chillan
- Buses to Vina del Mar
- Buses to Valparaiso
- Buses to Los Angeles
- Buses to Coronel
- Buses to Talcahuano
- Buses to Angol
- Buses to San Carlos
- Buses to Quirihue
- Buses to Lota
- Buses to Cobquecura
- Buses to Coelemu
- Buses to Cañete
- Buses to Cabrero
- Buses to Tomé
- Buses to Cauquenes
- Buses to Quillon
- Buses to Curanilahue
Top Stations and Locations
Need to know where to catch Eme Bus? We've got a list of our main stops to help plan your trip.
- Hotel Santa Lucia
- Terminal Sur
- Terminal Los Héroes
- Terminal de Buses María Teresa de Chillán
- Parada de Autobus Cauquenes
- Terminal Buses Jeldres de Cañete
- Terminal Cabrero
- Terminal San Carlos
- Terminal de Autobuses de Cobquecura
- Terminal San Sebastián de Yumbel
- Terminal de Buses Santa Blanca
- Terminal Curanilahue
- Terminal Ñipas
- Terminal de Autobuses de San Nicolas
Other local bus companies
- All Partners
- Eme Bus